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Oct 29

What is the difference between stamping bending and rotary stretching bending?

The bending machine contains a special bending mold. Mold design is used to create curves in pipes or tubes. The pipe is fixed and pressed towards the bending die to form the desired shape. This technology is more direct and convenient.The rotary bending machine includes a complete set of molds. The pipeline is moved through […]

Oct 29

How many methods are there for bending pipes?

Before starting to bend a pipeline, there are some important first considerations that determine the efficiency and accuracy of your operation. There are various pipe bending machines operating with unique technology. The important factors to consider are the purpose of bending the pipe and the form of the pipe material,However, there are several methods and […]

Oct 29

What is the working principle of a pipe bending machine?

The type of pipe bending machine you need is determined by the pipe bending process and materials.The pipeline is installed on the pipe bending machine, and the pipe is tightly fixed between the clamping and bending molds to prevent sliding. The tube is also fixed by a swab and a pressure mold to provide additional […]

Oct 10

What is a pipe bending machine?

As the name suggests, the pipe bending machine is designed specifically for rolling and bending hollow pipes or pipelines. You can also refer to these machines as pipe bending machines or pipe bending machines, which can permanently shape pipes or conduits into the desired configuration.There are various forms of pipe bending machines; They can be […]

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