Bienvenue à Mingzheng Precision Machinery

29 octobre

Before starting to bend a pipeline, there are some important first considerations that determine the efficiency and accuracy of your operation. There are various pipe bending machines operating with unique technology. The important factors to consider are the purpose of bending the pipe and the form of the pipe material,
However, there are several methods and machines that can effectively bend pipes, which can be divided into two categories:
·Cold bending method

As the name suggests, this bending technique definitely does not consume heat to bend pipes, and cold bending technology relies entirely on mechanical force. Due to the absence of heat, physical forces are applied to the pipes to shape them into different configurations, and a pipe bending machine that works on this principle covers the pipes or tubes around the mold. Using molds or any other shape, pipes can be effectively bent by force
·Hot bending method

Hot bending technology involves heating pipes at a certain temperature for accurate and rapid bending. Hot bending can also be referred to as induction bending.
Usually, the part of the pipeline that must be bent is affected by heat, which makes it softer and can be bent without investing too much energy.
The type of bending method you choose determines the shape of the pipe or conduit.